Frequently Asked Questions

Please contact us for any questions. Answers to your some of the questions can be found below.


Phone: +1 (800) 627-9026

Registered with the Government of Canada in March 2007 as a nonprofit representative organization of the people of Nepalese origin living in Canada, NRN-Canada is primarily concerned in promoting the common interests of its members in Canada and Nepal. Independently registered in Canada, NRN-Canada is a member organization of Non-Resident Nepali Association (NRNA), which is a representative organization of the people of Nepalese origin living abroad (specifically outside SAARC countries). Every two years, NRN holds an international convention of the representatives of National Coordinating Councils and an International Coordination Council (ICC) gets elected. The NRN-ICC has a permanent secretariat in Kathmandu, Nepal.

NRNA Canada helps you to settle in Canada and also integrate into Nepalese-Canadian Communities. Please contact one of the Immigration and Newcomer coordinators from here.

The term ‘Non-Resident Nepali’ (NRN) is defined by the law made by the Parliament of Nepal. This term is used to indicate two types of People. It is used for persons of Nepali origin holding citizenship of countries other than member states of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and Nepali nationals residing outside of SAARC member states.

NRN Card is an identity card issued to a Non-Resident Nepali by the Government of Nepal. NRNcard entitles cardholders to various benefits as listed in the NRN Act and bylaws. It is issued to those who approach the concerned government body.

  1. -Identity of the status of the person as NRN
  2. -Free Visa to enter and stay in Nepal (for persons having citizenship of countries other than SAARC Countries)
  3. -Right to open a bank account in convertible foreign currency
  4. -Eligibility to make investments in convertible foreign currency
  5. -Provision to repatriate proceeds of the investment out of Nepal in convertible Foreign currency if the investment is made in the same currency
  6. -Purchase and sale of land (area as referred to in NRNA bylaws) to limited extent Inheritance of ancestral property and ownership of that property in Nepal
  7. -Tax Exemption on initial capital of investment
  8. -Certificate of Investment Tax Exemption on up to NPR15 Lakhs remittance to close relatives of NRN in one fiscal year for personal expenses
  9. -Tax exemption on the remitted funds via formal banking channels for the Social, Political, Cultural, Religious, Charity, Sports, and Disaster Relief Projects
  10. -Rights to establish Industry and Business and enjoy investment facilities as enjoyed by ForeignersThe validity of the NRN cards is 10 (Ten) years for Foreign Nationals of Nepali Origin and 2 (Two) years for Nepali citizens residing abroad.

Foreign citizens of Nepali Origin or Nepali citizens residing outside of Nepal are eligible to get NRN Card


  • -A duly filled in application form (as prescribed in NRN Bylaws 2009(2066)
  • -Naturalization Certificate and its copy provided by the respective country
  • -Copy of Passport issued by the respective country

Citizenship Certificate and a copy of it  as a proof of Nepali Origin for the person who earlier held Nepali citizenship)

  • -Copy of Citizenship Certificate of Father/Mother/Grandfather/Grandmother or any other document that proves their Nepali Nationality and evidence of a relationship
  • -Document/proof of any profession or business in the country of current nationality
  • -Document/proof of employment in the country of current nationality.
  • -A recent passport size photo (for the application form)
  • -Two recent auto-size photo (for the identity card)
  • -Application and Card Fee
  • -A duly filled in application form (as prescribed in NRN Bylaws 2009(2066).
  • -Nepali Citizenship Certificate and its copy
  • -Nepali Passport and its copy
  • -Documents related to business/profession in the current country of residence
  • -Document/proof of employment in the current country of residence
  • -A recent passport size photo
  • -Two recent auto-size photo (for the identity card)
  • -Application and Card Fee

No, affiliation with NRNA is not compulsory.

The NRN card is given only to those who are either foreign nationals of Nepali origin or who are Nepali citizens residing abroad.

The foreign nationals of Nepali origin do need a valid visa to enter into and stay in Nepal. But such a visa is issued free of charge (gratis) at the entry points as well as in the missions and at the immigration offices for persons with NRN Cards. Nepali Citizens residing abroad do not need any visa to enter into and exit from Nepal.

NRN Cardholders get a Tourist visa (Gratis) on arrival at the airport. The rule governing visas for persons of Nepali Origin without an NRN Card is the same as applied to any other foreign national.

NRN Visa is Tourist (Gratis) visa issued to an NRN Cardholder upon arrival at the Nepal airport. It is issued for a given number of days as pre-determined by the Department of Immigration, Nepal Government.

NRN Visa can be extended by applying at the Department of Immigration (Non-Tourist Visa Section) along with specified documents. It is extended for a maximum of one year at a time.  NRN visa both at the airport and DOI is issued free of charge till the date of validity of the NRN card. NRN cardholders are not allowed to stay in Nepal without acquiring NRN Visa.

  • Online Application available at the DOI website
  • NRN Card issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its missions based abroad (Original  and Photocopy)
  • Valid Passport
  • Photocopy of Passport and latest Nepalese Visa
  • Health Certificate

No, the card only enables the NRNs to obtain a Visa-free of charge.

Yes, but the visa fee is waived (no visa fee).

Yes, but they need to renew their visas every year at the Immigration Department of Nepal.

As already stated, there are two types of NRNs. In the case of Nepali citizens residing abroad, they do not have to relinquish their Nepali citizenship to obtain an NRN Card. In the case of Foreign Nationals of Nepali Origin, the Nepali law specifies that a Nepali citizen whenever acquires a nationality of a foreign country, he or she automatically ceases to be a Nepali citizen

No, Nepal does not allow its citizens to hold dual nationality. But the current constitution has a provision for Non-Resident Nepali citizenship of nationals of other countries. A person having NRN citizenship enjoys economic, social, and cultural rights. In other words, they cannot enjoy the political rights generally enjoyed by a citizen.

As of now, Foreign citizens of Nepali Origin are not allowed to hold Civil and Government jobs whereas they can apply for jobs at Private Companies and NGOs by taking work permits from concerned authorities. The Nepali Citizens residing abroad do not face such restrictions. But once they start to stay in Nepal, they may lose the NRN status. Also, Foreign Nationals of Nepali origin have to follow the same rule as any other foreign national to pursue professions. With the implementation of the NRN citizenship, the conditions may be eased significantly.

No, the underaged children are neither eligible nor need to take NRN cards.

As of today, a spouse of an NRN with Foreign nationality cannot obtain an NRN card unless he or she on their own right qualifies for obtaining such a card.

Yes, any NRN with a valid NRN card can open and maintain a bank account.


Yes, provided they have acquired necessary permits for investment in Nepal and have fulfilled the norms like tax clearances as stated in Clause No. 7 of NRN Act 2007 (2064).

They have to follow the same procedures as any other foreign investor.

They have to follow the procedure of foreign investment, i. e. they have to apply to Nepal Government -Department of Industry, get preliminary approval, register a company, take necessary sectoral approvals and start business.

Although the law does not prohibit such investment, but due to the lack of procedures, such investment has not been possible so far.

The Nepalese tax law has the provision of Resident and Non-Resident taxpayer. The resident taxpayers have to declare their global income and pay taxes accordingly. The Non Resident taxpayers have to declare their earnings in Nepal and pay taxes on their income in Nepal. The NRNs have to pay taxes as Non-Resident taxpayer on their earnings in Nepal.

Yes as per provisions stated in the NRNA Bylaws 2066, their right to inheritance as per Nepali law is allowed. The new civil code of Nepal allows the holders of NRN Citizenship the right to inherit own and maintain the property at par with other Nepali citizens.

Yes, There is a limit on buying property by foreign nationals of Nepali origin(NRN card holders). As stated in Clause No. 11 of NRN Bylaws 2066 which states NRN and their family members can purchase and own land and other fixed assest as specified below:

    1. Maximum of Two Ropanis in Kathmandu Valley
    2. Maximum of 8 Kathha in Metropolitan Cities of Terai
    3. Maximum of 4 Ropanis in Metropolitan Cities of Other Districts Except Clause  A and B
  1. Maximum of 1 Biggha in other areas of Terai Except Clause B
  2. Maximum of 10 Ropanis in other areas except Clause A, B, C and D.

As per the NRN Act and Rules, the NRN cardholders can keep the property owned by them when they were citizens of Nepal.

Yes, they can do that following the process as prescribed in the prevailing law.

The foreign nationals have to abide by the laws relating to immigration. If somebody whether he or she is an NRN or not, is found to have breached the law, they will be penalized as per the law.

Nepal Citizenship Act 2006 Clause No. 11 states: If any Citizen of Nepal who has acquired foreign citizenship returns to reside in Nepal and submits a notification to the designated authority the evidence he or she has renounced his or her foreign citizenship shall be reinstated the Nepalese citizenship from the date of registering such evidence. In other words, the person concerned shall have to prove his/ her previous Nepali Nationality and the evidence that his/her foreign nationality has been annulled.

Yes, the citizenship when reinstated is to the same category as his /her previous citizenship category.

ICC is an executive body of NRNA elected by the IGA. It is the body that leads the NRN movement under the guidance of the decisions of the IGA.

NCC is the officially recognized committee of NRNA formed in different countries and territories where NRNs reside, NCC can be registered according to the local laws of the respective country.

Till date, NRNA NCC has been formed in 84 Countries and territories.

  • The member will have status of registered member of NRNA.
  • Identity card as NRNA member
  • Access to different meeting, conference and programs of NCCs and ICC
  • Participation in General Assembly of NCC and NRNA
  • Opportunity to become official delegate of IGA and NGA
  • Networking with the wider group of NRNs residing in different part of the world.
  • Access to discounts and privileges accorded to NRNA member by various enterprises/insitutions

NRNA identity card is the card provided to the registered members of NRNA. . This card is being provided by NRNA ICC. This card can be utilized for privileges and discounts provided by many national and multinational companies to NRNA members.

NRN Card is an identity card provided by Nepal Government which is valid for 10 years where as NRNA identity card is card provided by NRNA ICC to the NRNA registered members through NCC verifying their position and involvement in the association, with the validity of two years.

The NRNA has undertaken many projects and initiatives since its establishment. These include:

  • Laprak Model Settlement Development Project
  • NRNA Shankhamul Garden Project
  • NRNA Headquater
  • Ujyalo Nepal Foundation
  • Nepal Open University
  • NRNA Foundation
  • Nepal House
  • Nepal Festivals
  • NRN Investment
  • NRNA Academy
  • Nepal Science Foundation
  • Continuation of Nepali Citizenship
  • NRN Investment Company
  • NRN Microfinance Limited
  • Human Resource Development and Training
  • Blood Transfusion System
  • Road Safety Program
  • Agriculture Promotion
  • Tourism Promotion
  • Sindhuligadhi Masterplan Development Project
  • Uterus Prolapse Project
  • Women Empowerment and Skill Enhancement Project
  • NRNA Bridhhasharam Galeshwor
  • Kriya Putri Bhaban
  • Janaki Temple Lightification
  • Support to Unprivileged Children
  • Support to disabled people
  • Nepal Library Foundation
  • Nepal Policy Institute (NPI)
  • And many more

The major sectors or fields of investment by the NRNs are:

  • Service –Hotel Sector
  • Hydro and Renewal Energy
  • Travel and Trekking
  • Information Technology
  • Agriculture & Farming
  • Health Sector
  • Education and Skill Training
  • Communication
  • Financial, Accounting and Banking
  • Aviation & Transportation
  • Migration Services and more.